"This is a brief life, but in its brevity it offers us some splendid moments, some meaningful adventures." ~Rudyard Kipling

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Village Fete...Indian Style

We recently attended a fun fair put on by the local ladies' group.

Here are the ladies,
stunning in saffron saris,
judging the stalls.

It was really quite fun!
A couple of local beauties
awaiting the Fancy Dress Competition.

Because the community is small, 
the fair had a nice, homespun feel to it.
Centre Stage...
all ready for the stars to shine.
With local children proudly showing their many talents.
There were dancing girls....

And dancing girls & guys....
and dancing dudes!
For those who dance to a different beat,
there was a poster competition...
these are some of the gifted artists
from the Hearing Impaired School...

...and a fancy dress competition.
Each competitor had to do a bit of public speaking,
getting into his or her chosen character.
And people of all ages
stopping to sample the local dishes,

Chef deftly extruding the batter
for his sweet & sinful jalebi -
a clear crowd favourite.
After the jalebi has been fried until burnished & golden,
it's immediately plunged into a sugar syrup,
until unctuous & tooth-achingly sweet!
Fairground food all the way through.

while catching up on gossip.
What more could you want?

Oh...and I won 10 rupees on the Tambola!


  1. WHat fabulous pictures! Love that and congrats on the rupees!

  2. Thanks Wendy! The colours in India are always amazing! You would love it...plenty of the vibrant shades you love so much. Such a contrast to the winter white I'll return to soon.
