"This is a brief life, but in its brevity it offers us some splendid moments, some meaningful adventures." ~Rudyard Kipling

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Happy Diwali!

My friend made this fragrant display by arranging petals and leaves
around the lit diyas in the centre.
With the rousing revelry of fire crackers going off all around me,
I wish you all a very Happy Diwali!

The sign made of coloured sand inside our restaurant, Olive.


  1. That mandala is beautiful. Guy Fawkes here tomorrow night, I'll be cursing the folk still letting them off at bed time!

  2. Oh you are clever! The mandala was about 6ft in diameter. Can you imagine putting all that work into something that will last a day or so and be blown away with the wind? Have you been to India, Tabs?

    Oh, the fireworks are complementing the evening prayers right now. I know that life will be awfully quiet when we get back home!

    The last Guy Fawkes Day that we had in England saw bonfire parties the weekends before and after the day itself...does that happen in Scotland as well? It's like ten days of rockets at all hours!
